Fundamentals of Public Advocacy

The Fundamentals of Public Advocacy for Informed Citizens Micro-credential badge addresses the need for an effective and informed citizenry.  Earners will gain practical skills on how to best interact with policymakers at all levels of government.  These skills will allow earners to successfully advocate for desired positions and outcomes. These skills include learning what level of government to contact for a particular issue, how to effectively communicate positions, how to respond, & how to develop relationships with elected officials and staff.

1Being an Informed Citizen – Why Should You Care?
2Is it all Just Fake News? How to Effectively Research Just About Anything!
3The Elevator Pitch – How to Get Others to Care About Your Issue?
4Putting it All Together – Meet and Try to Convince a Policymaker
This micro-credential course offering is taught via Zoom with State Senator Anitere Flores (2010-2020) as the primary instructor. This course consists of five synchronous modules. Students are expected to read or view the content posted in each module, attend 4 online Zoom meetings, and complete two short essays, one video presentation, and a final reflection. Assignments should take no more than 2 hours to complete.

Students interested in participating can be put on a waiting list by sending an email to