Intelligence Fellowship

FIU’s Intelligence Community Center for Academic Excellence Intelligence Fellowship program is FIU’s premier academic workforce development program that provides undergraduate and graduate students the opportunity to prepare for a future in any of the 18 agencies of the U.S. Intelligence Community through coursework, research, and mentorship.

FIU’s long history with the U.S. Intelligence Community has positioned itself to prepare the next generation of Intelligence Professionals for their future career paths. FIU was one of the first four universities in the nation designated as a United States Intelligence Community Center for Academic Excellence, a program funded by the U.S. Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI).

Joining the Intelligence Fellowship at FIU provides students with the analytical skill set and professional development to allow them to succeed in careers within the Intelligence Community.  Students get the ability to network with recruiters and hiring managers from across the federal government and attend exclusive workshops and practitioner roundtables to provide them with insights into the community. Students will also receive mentorship from practitioners in the field alongside IC-CAE Intelligence Fellowship Alumni who are now seated in the community.

Applications are Open!

Apply before Friday, March 28th to be considered for the 2025/2026 Intelligence Fellowship Cohort.

“This is my first appearance at a university [FIU]...The reason I’m here is that there is talent here. I’m interested in bringing that into the IC [Intelligence Community].”

Honorable Avril Haines, Former Director of National Intelligence

The Former Director of National Intelligence visited FIU in September 2021 as her first college visit.  Honorable Avril Haines spoke on the need for diversity in the Intelligence Community workforce. 

Read more about her visit here and in her 2021 highlights.

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    Grow Professionally

    Attend workshops on resume writing, interviewing, networking; meet hiring managers and agency representatives in Washington, DC.

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    Conduct Research

    Build your portfolio by performing compelling research on a specific functional and geographic area. 

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    Build Relationships

    Receive guidance from mentors who have served or currently serve in the U.S. Intelligence community and private industry leaders in cybersecurity while building friendships and professional relationships with other Intelligence fellows.