Drug Wars: The True Story Behind "NARCOS"

We are thrilled to bring you this opportunity on September 18th to hear directly from the former DEA Agents Steve Murphy and Javier Peña. These extraordinary agents played pivotal roles in taking down history's most notorious drug lord, Pablo Escobar - a story that captivated the world in Netflix's "NARCOS."

The Africa-Americas Forum on China

Join us in Nairobi, Kenya for the second iteration of the forum! Learn from experts in the field about imminent security issues facing the region!

Learn more!

Annual Events

Hemispheric Security Conference

Hemispheric Security Conference

Experts converge to examine the most pressing security challenges facing the Western Hemisphere.

NICE Conference

NICE Conference

Community members and thought leaders explore ways of developing a skilled cybersecurity workforce ready to meet the challenges of the future.

Africa-Americas Forum on China

Africa-Americas Forum on China

Experts from Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean compare and contrast China's engagement in both regions.

Regional Initiative for Cybersecurity Education and Training

Regional Initiative for Cybersecurity Education and Training

Experts unite to explore ways of developing a curriculum for the current and future cybersecurity workforce.

The Florida AI Policy Summit

Florida AI Policy Summit

Experts across the state of Florida convened discussed opportunities and challenges brought forth by AI and the actions individuals sectors should take to regulate it.

Media Inquiries

If you are a member of the press, please contact Alexis Baez.