Application & Requirements

  • Resume
    Applicants must submit a resume, detailing their academic and professional experience. Certifications, Internships and part-time employment may be included. 
  • Personal Statement
    Please provide a personal statement detailing your passion, qualifications, and aspirations for applying for the Intelligence Fellowship. Describe how your background, skills, and values have shaped your motivation to pursue a career in National Security/Cybersecurity. The Personal Statement should be written in essay format, single spaced, 12 pt. font, and exceeding no more than 600 words. 
  • Writing Sample
    Please submit a writing sample that showcases your analytical abilities, research skills, and your ability to articulate your thoughts. Writing Sample should be a topic of your choosing that you strongly believe is a national security or cybersecurity issue that is of concern to U.S. security. The Writing Sample should be written in essay format, single spaced, 12 pt. font, and exceeding no more than 600 words.
  • Short Introductory Video

    As part of the admission process, a short video presentation is required as part of the application to the IC-CAE Intelligence Fellowship at the Jack D. Gordon Institute. In this video, please address the following questions and topics: 

    1. Introduction: Tell us about yourself

    2. Motivation: What motivates you to seek a career in intelligence National Security/Cybersecurity?

    3. Academic and Professional Goals: How does the Intelligence Fellowship align with your academic and professional goals?

    4. Why Me: Describe what unique perspectives, skills, or experiences you would bring to the program.

    Video Guidelines: 

    1. Your video should not exceed more than 5 minutes.

    2. You must be physically present 100% of the time during your video presentation. 

    Please upload your video in the application. 
  • Unofficial Transcript

    As part of the admission process, applicants must provide a copy of their unofficial transcript.

  • Letter of Recommendation

    As part of the admission process, applicants must provide a letter of recommendation from a faculty or professional colleague. The letter should speak on behalf of the applicant’s character, strengths, work ethic, and ability to excel in the Intelligence Fellowship Program.

Application Deadlines

The program admits students every academic year. Applications and supporting documents should be sent as early as possible to allow sufficient time for processing.

FellowshipApplication Deadline
Priority AdmissionsSunday, March 9th
General AdmissionsSunday, March 23rd


Please contact the Academics Team via e-mail at after this date to inquire about availability.