Gordon Institute Non-Resident Scholars are industry leaders that have dedicated their lives to understanding and addressing the most pressing security challenges facing the world today.
These exceptional individuals are tasked with creating analytic products and presentations on mutually agreed topics that will be posted on the Security Research Hub (SRH) and presented at workshops and events hosted by the SRH. Additionally, scholars will serve as part of a review board tasked with editing and examining other analytic products produced by scholars and Research Affiliates.
Please look at the SRH calendar and look out for SRH announcements to keep track of when the next Non-Resident Scholar event will take place.
Daniel Schaeffer
Senior Officer International Fisheries, Pew Charitable TrustsRyan C. Berg
Senior Fellow, Center for Strategic and International StudiesVladimir Rouvinski
Director, Center for Inter-Disciplinary Studies, Icesi UniversityWazim Mowla
Assistant Director, Caribbean Initiative At Atlantic Council Adrienne Arsht Latin American CenterLivia Wagner
Network Coordinator and Senior Expert, Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized CrimeLucia Dammert
Full Professor, University of Santiago of ChileBarnett S. Koven
Training Director, Near-peer Competition Lead Researcher, and Counterterrorism Lead Researcher at the University of Maryland’s (UMD) National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START)Louise Marie Hurel
Digital Security Programme Lead at Igarapé Institute